A Lens on Trafficking in Mexico, Germany & Israel

A Lens on Trafficking in Mexico, Germany & Israel

IANGEL recently attended “The Global Fight Against Human Trafficking, International and Comparative Perspectives,” hosted by SFCAHT, the Consulates General of Israel and Mexico, and the University of San Francisco. As a member of the San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking (SFCAHT) IANGEL joins policy advocates, service providers, law enforcement agencies, and community activists in a joint effort to end human trafficking through collaboration, outreach, and supporting survivors.

IANGEL 2019 Advocacy Review

IANGEL 2019 Advocacy Review

In 2019, the California Legislature passed significant pieces of legislation that furthered gender equality and protected the human rights of women and girls. Below is a review of key legislation that IANGEL supported, concerning human trafficking, abortion rights, and sex workers’ rights. These five new laws will take effect on January 1, 2020.