A Lens on Trafficking in Mexico, Germany & Israel

A Lens on Trafficking in Mexico, Germany & Israel

IANGEL recently attended “The Global Fight Against Human Trafficking, International and Comparative Perspectives,” hosted by SFCAHT, the Consulates General of Israel and Mexico, and the University of San Francisco. As a member of the San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking (SFCAHT) IANGEL joins policy advocates, service providers, law enforcement agencies, and community activists in a joint effort to end human trafficking through collaboration, outreach, and supporting survivors.

Bennoune’s Endowed Chair Appointment & Inaugural Lecture

Bennoune’s Endowed Chair Appointment & Inaugural Lecture

IANGEL congratulates UC Davis Professor Karima Bennoune on her Endowed Chair Appointment and inaugural lecture “International Law & Women’s Rights – Building the Global Jurisprudence of Sex Equality.” Ms. Bennoune is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on cultural rights and author of “Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here – Untold Stories of the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism.”

IANGEL at the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women

IANGEL at the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women

*Due to COVID-19, the U.N. cancelled the 64th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, and consequently our panel was cancelled as well.
“Pro Bono Power: Fighting the Backlash and Advancing Equality” at the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women in NYC. This engaging CSW64 Parallel Event features Stella Odife (WOGI, Nigeria), Lizzette Robleto de Howarth (Law Society of England & Wales), Shruti Rana (Indiana University), Nancy Newman and Andrea Carlise (IANGEL).