Voting YES on Prop 16 (formerly ACA 5) and restoring affirmative action in public contracting, hiring and education will remove barriers to opportunity, create structural change, and help reverse years of systemic race and gender discrimination.
7th Anniversary IANGEL Virtual Gala
Join IANGEL’s Virtual Gala, “In It To Win It!” We’ll be featuring keynote speaker Connie De La Vega and honoring Joan Haratani with the Amel Zenoune Zounani Rights & Leadership Award.
Aug 13, 2020 5-6pm PST
IANGEL Gala Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities for this year’s virtual gala range from as little as $75 to $3,000. Become an investor, change agent or advocate for gender equity through law.
Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council to Address Police Violence
Black Lives Matter. Police violence and repression of protests in the United States is a human rights violation. America must be a leader in human rights advocacy and that starts with each and every one of us, so we encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day to read, listen, protest, and donate.
Webinar June 18th: Trauma-Informed Representation During COVID-19
June 18th Webinar Training: “Trauma-Informed Representation During COVID-19.” Upcoming training on trauma-informed legal representation and the impacts of COVID-19 on domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking survivors. With Dr. Gena Castro Rodriguez, PsyD, Chief of Victim Services, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office
9th Circuit Oral Argument Held in Important Equal Pay Act Case – Updated 4/2/2021
The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard oral arguments for Freyd v. University of Oregon, et al over a live-streamed session in May. The case involved important legal issues under the Equal Pay Act, and IANGEL has joined as amici curiae in support of Professor Freyd.
Livestreamed Oral Argument in Pay Equity Case May 12th
An interesting oral argument will be livestreamed on Tuesday, May 12th. IANGEL signed onto an amicus brief, Freyd v. University of Oregon, in Oct 2019 because this case presents important issues on the interpretation and application of the Equal Pay Act and Title VII.
A great thing to listen to while keeping safe at home!
Sheltering-in-Place with IANGEL
IANGEL focuses on education, advocacy and pro-bono engagement for reproductive justice, peace and security, and empowerment for women and girls. As we face this global pandemic here in California and throughout the U.S., challenges and opportunities in each of our focus areas are amplified.
#SavetheDate and join in the international movement #GivingTuesday for a COVID-19 relief effort! #GivingTuesdayNow
Protecting Survivors During COVID-19
COVID-19 has heightened the prevalence of what’s being called the shadow pandemic, gender-based violence (GBV). Survivors of GBV need uninterrupted and even expanded access to legal rights and protections right now. That’s why we’re developing a new initiative focused on addressing COVID-specific impacts on survivors and how as a community we can step up to meet these heightened needs.